Thursday, June 19, 2008

Behind every Great Man is a Great Woman.

I realize this statement comes from an era when women were supposed to be happy to stay at home and do mundane tasks. Our representation in public was through our men. No longer do women have to do this and its a most wonderful thing we have this option. Yet staying at home and running the house we have an obligation to help our men be great. After all they are a reflection of us and we a reflection of them.
This morning wasn't a normal morning in my home. My partner got up this morning to go to a job interview. If I am going to advance financially its imperative that he do well in the working world. It is in my best interest that he look and act his very best. If his clothes are wrinkled, is stressed out, or worse just plain distracted by what happens at home there's not much of a chance he'll succeed in landing that coveted job.
While he's highly qualified for the job position he wanted, he couldn't have walked out that door without my encouragement. While he was getting ready I was trying to iron his favorite "interview" pants. As a side note there really needs to be an easier way to iron kakhi. Yet it was stressful, he was rushing around gathering documents searching for info ect. He was concerned that this job wasn't going to happen. I remained calm. I couldn't possibly cause problems for him as he had enough to think about.
So when he returned he told he drove 80mph and got to his interview 3 minutes before he was supposed to be there. He went into his interview room and gave the interview of a life time. He said it was a whirl wind because when he got back the family was going camping. He said he did alright.
I am pretty convinced that he wouldn't have tried as hard for this particular job if the he was a single male without childern and a woman. we shall see if my efforts to get him out on this interview payed off. I have been down the interview road before with him and nothing came of it.

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