Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Save Money: Find a Fruit Tree

A week or so ago I noticed that my neighbor had a rather loaded cherry tree. The fruit wasn't ripe just yet but I have kept my eye on it since then. This morning while I was running I noticed the fruit was wonderfully ripe. I made it a personal mission to ask my neighbor if I might have a few pounds of cherries for my family. I was even willing to pay a small price ( a $1/pound).
On the way to story time who should I see out side but my neighbor. He was outside picking cherries so I had to stop and ask him if I could have some. His deal, take as many as you want. As soon as I returned from story time my son and I headed down to the neighbors house and we picked half a basket of wonderful and delicious cherries...FOR FREE.
In this economy a Domestic Engineer needs to save as much money as possible. Now we can cut cost on toilet paper and cutting back on the junk food. However , it comes to the over all nutritional needs of our families we shouldn't skimp. We should seek out those long forgotten fruit trees hanging out in the neighbors yard. It may be the fruit tree you want is on a vacant property in that case its best to find out who the owner is and ask them if you can pick. Don't go about picking fruit that doesn't belong to you though. After you have established that you can pick fruit from someone else's tree find out what the limits are. Some people probably wouldn't mind if you are return several times, some might only allow you to pick a few basket worth. The main thing here is to have some class and grace about yourself and go by the limits.
Ask what the boundaries are. Some of these trees are old and probably haven't been pruned in years. It would be best to avoid climbing the trees for your own safety. If you have a step stool or ladder that might be best. Make sure though before using a ladder that its o'kay with the tree owner.
Finally once picking is underway be careful not to cause damage to the tree you are packing from. I was picking cherries this morning and over bent a tree limb. I plan on telling my neighbor what happened. I doubt the damage is permanent though. I do know that next time I will avoid pulling branches down for so long.
I have saved about $14 by asking my neighbor to pick from his trees. I have also found two apple trees in a ladies yard. I plan on asking her if I can pick a few apples from her trees as well. I plan on seeking out other neglected fruit trees and grape vines for the remainder of the summer.

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