Friday, September 19, 2008

"home" sick

So I miss my old home in the Mountains. I know that sounds very silly considering its been nearly two months since I said good bye. We left so quickly I didn't have a chance to say good bye to the friends I made, I didn't have a chance to let it all sink into my head.

Over the past week or so I have found myself very sick for my home in the Mountains. I truly didn't think living somewhere for just 7 month would cause such heart ache, but it has. I lived in one city for nearly 5 years and kissed that place good bye with a celebration. Deep inside the day I left that city I hoped nothing but my close friends would bring me back. I certainly would never want to live there EVER Again. I occasionally go back to see them and I get a very fast reminder as to why I don't want to live there...Traffic, rude people, and Tow trucks.
Back to my home sickness. When we found out we were moving to the Mountains this past November I was so relieved. We would move to an area of the country that appreiciated a slow pace of life, where living off the land was rewarded, the air and enviroment were Great. Finally, I could live off the grid and meet other like minded folks. Organic Gardening wasn't something a family tried,its what people did.
So I settled into my Mountain bungelow and for 7 months I met many people and visited many places. I think part of my home sickness comes from the fact I didn't get a chance to say good bye to the people I had met. The area we lived in was pretty spread out and many of my friends lived in rather isolated areas. Most of us got together at parks or at a coffee shop rather than driving to each others home. From the moment I found out we were moving until the day we pulled out, I was unable to tell anyone, other than thos that use the Internet. I digress, my time spent in the mountains was more of a vacation with nature.
We got there in winter, and enjoyed the ice and snow. Spring came and the Mountains were a live with blossoms and green. In late May the Cicadis came. I feel very lucky to have been there when the 17 year cicadis emerged from the ground. Albeit millions are large alien looking insects flying about can be irritating, and messy. We heard their song for nearly 6 weeks before they all finally died.
I also miss our mountain road. It was perched on the side of mountain, overlooking the "holler" below. It curved around the outside of the mountain and went down into the town of Mars Hill. In places the tree branches covered the road like a tunnel, in other places you could several ridges of Mountains.
I miss how the Mountains changed through out the day. Effected by the sun, the mountains could be a clear and green as moss covered ground, or a blue as the sky above. The mountain across from our home was the land mark, Baily Mountain. I didn't know that, until a local told me. Who'd thought I would live somewhere that people know about like local folk lore.
I miss how close knit the communities were. Most of my friends had friends in every corner of the county, and once in a while they'd all get together for a party. The funny thing is the number of people I crossed pathes with who knew someone else I knew and I had no CLUE!!!
I can go on and on about my love of this magical place I would love to call home again. I miss it soo much, that I doubt my current country home could replace.
Its not that I don't appreciate where I live. Our mountain home was a two bedroom bungelow, with no flat yard, perched on the side of a foot slope. The house was about 1/2 the size of the one we live in right now. I am proud of our new residence, I am not however happy with its location. If only it were in teh mountains....with green pastures and lots of happy farm animals.

At this poinst I am just rambling. Please enjoy your day.

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