Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Freedom shall be Mine!!!

Yesterday at 4:35PM I recieved the phone call I have been waiting for. The voice on the other end of the line was someone very important relaying a message that could be compared to a Governor delaying a death sentence. The voice said "Hi, this is XYZ at the Ford Dealership, your car is ready for pick up." Immediately my eyes glazed over with anticipation, I looked at the clock and asked what time did they close. Lucky me I had less than an hour an half to make it. However my DP was still at work, I hadn't gotten dressed all day and dinner was ready. What..o what was I to do. Well I called DP, told him the car was ready, jumped in the shower, got my DS dressed, put dinner in storage containers and waited on the back steps. There was NO way I was going to wait one more day to have a vehicle.
So, its true, my van sits in my drive-way waiting for my DS and I to climb inside and take her for a ride. I can assure you my DS is as excited as I am, for its been nearly 3 months since he last seen a playground. I was laying in bed last night, snuggled up with my DS as I thought about story time at the library, adult interaction, Playground, Grocery shopping in the morning on a Wednesday, going to the bank when there's no crowd, packing up my bike and riding around the park. My head was swimming with joy, so much freedom and of course my DP and I could actually rest on the weekends and evenings. No more evening runs to the grocery store, no more driving like mad to the bank before it closes, No more late books to the library because I couldn't make it back into town.
The joy was short lived. I had to switch gears. For the past months, without a car we have saved a lot of money with just one vehicle on the road. As a family we barely used a tank of gas a week. So with two vehicles, and driving into the nearest town, to church, what ever else I can come up van could quickly become a money hole. I have had to take a step back. I do anticipate going to the gym 3 times a week, and going grocery shopping once, story time at the Library, and the occasional homeschool group. If my estimates are correct that puts me in some city limits somewhere...3 days a week and I can always park and ride if I want to go to another city.
Today, dispite the economic whoes, the price of gas, and our tight budget I am heading to town. I am breaking free of it all and going for the gusto. My DS already knows about story time, we might swing by the gym for a light swim, and perhaps even go to the park. No one really knows where we might end up by the end of the day..but things certain I will be out of the house for much of the rest of the day. The old comment..don't mind me I'll be home ALL DAY (insert the sound of distain and dread).
To the mommies in the Orange area...that magnet will be mine ...muahahaha.

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