Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Super Doubles and Super Coupon Clipping

There was a feeling that came across the message boards last week.  The question that hangs on any frugal shoppers mind that lives within driving distance of a Harris Teeter, "When were triple coupons coming back?  What about Super Doubles?"  It iss a reasonable question. Harris Teeter has made us all very spoiled with  super coupon deals, the last event was in January.  Confirmation of Super Doubles came out last Thursday with coupon match ups on Southern Savers .
For anyone who's never used coupons before there's no quicker way to an addictive hobby than hit one of Harris Teeters super doubles or Triples sales.  Imagine that $1.50 coupon sitting in the Sunday paper is now worth WHOPPING $3.00 or that .50 cents coupon could be worth as much as $1.50 off.  The first time I did Super Doulbes I had a grand total of ONE Sunday paper and still managed two shopping trips saving more than 75% off the retail price.  I was hooked from that point forward.
I am fairly new to using coupons but I am not new however to organizing things in streamline easy to use fashion.  I use Southern Savers to do most of my work for me.  The blog has most of the weekly deals and coupon match ups. All I need to do is decide what i want to buy, and if I have a coupon for it.
I have printed the shopping list and now I have to decide which 20 coupons I want to use first. Would be it be weird if I walked into the store will 20 coupons doubling to FREE! Talk about a bout a rush, probably better than any illegal drug could give a person.  The ideal of getting 20 items simply because I bough a few Sunday Papers.  In case you are wondering since this is an Orange County blog, which paper I get. I usually get the Herald Sun. Its .50 less than the News and Observer and they generally have the same coupons as the N&O.  Plus without it how am I supposed to blog about the area.  ;)  
So my strategy is to clip my coupons, organize them into two or three trips, and then head to the store.  In the past I have noticed there's "popular" items and then not so popular items.   The "Free" items always go fast and they are rarely there come Saturday.  Considering, that I am spending last weeks food budget this Wednesday, I am going for the freebies first.  Next will be my organic stuff.  I like to buy organic but usually only with a coupon. I have to do it this way other wise my family would eat beans and rice 5 days a week and we'd never see a piece of meat or dairy.
So for this week, head to North Durham with your fist full of coupons and stock up!

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