Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weekend Weather, means time to get to know your history.

The forecast this weekend is supposed to be sunny with Highs in the 40's.:Saturday Forecast   I am looking forward to getting out of the house without worry of slipping on ice, or the prospect of snow and all the mess that goes with either.
In my house most weekends means bundling up to go watch our Middle child Play hockey.  I have yet to understand this game but its not really for me to understand, just me to support the child who is interested.  However, with the weekend weather being so nice I am planning a family outing hosted by Historic Down Town Hillsborough.
During the Revolutionary war Hillsborough was occupied by both the Contenetial Army and the British Army .  On Saturday Feb 20th from 10AM- 4PM  the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough will be hosting a revolutionary war reenactment of Cornwallis time spent in Hillborough.
I have never been to a war reenactment and since this one happens to be right down from my house I am taking the kids out for a day of history.  They don't know it yet, but they are looking forward to Cannon firings, Musket demonstrations, and Open flame cooking.  They also don't know that we'll see General Cornwallis wishing he'd never strode into Hillsborough.
The weather seems to be perfect for such an event. I might even do my own reenacting by bringing a picnic basket like the first Revolutionary war watcher did at Lexington and Concord.  I think I might actually get to eat my picnic where as those first on lookers probably thought "O' Holy Hell, This fight is for real."
For more info on this event please visit.

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